Ribenio’s designer or craftsman who has to give life to his creations knows that without the ideal raw material, the result will be unsatisfactory. For this reason, we have chosen to include in our showcase a category dedicated to craftsmanship and leather for bags and wallets that contained the ideal leathers to make leather goods of big, medium or small size. All the leathers here are carefully selected and suitable for the creation of wallets, bags, key-chains, briefcases, bindings, cell phone covers suitable for both him and her. Choose the most appropriate color, type or print for the project we have in mind. When crafting a bag or a wallet, there are two things to keep in mind: the thickness and the printing. As regards the leather for bags the thickness to look for is usually higher because the object is bigger and sometimes you have to self-support, so it goes from 1mm up to 2mm (for the chrome tanned leather); obviously there are also models made of lamb hides and sheep skins with a thickness of around 0.8mm. As regards the best leather for wallets, instead, a lower thickness is preferred, and usually does not exceed 1.4mm, even if any edging must be hand-peeled or done with special machinery. Finally, with regard to prints, it is suggested to prefer large textures for medium-large leather goods items, and smaller prints for small objects.

Leather for Bags and Wallets
- Post author:Team Ribenio
- Post published:January 24, 2023
- Post category:Uncategorized
- Post comments:0 Comments